every family
deserves a safe, stable, and affordable home

building a community

In 1996, Habitat Greensboro began construction in the Poplar Ridge neighborhood. The 67-home neighborhood was our most ambitious project to date. With the support of the local community, the City of Greensboro, and our Habitat Greensboro partner families, construction was completed in just four years. We know that as a partner family who built your home in Poplar Ridge, you looked forward to enjoying many years of safety, stability, and security in your home.

Habitat Greensboro built the Poplar Ridge neighborhood homes to meet then-current building standards, as inspected and approved by the City of Greensboro who issued a Certificate of Occupancy for each home. We recognize that 1996 building standards are not the same as 2023 building standards. Homes built in the ‘90s were built with open crawl spaces and a 75% vapor barrier. Today, Habitat Greensboro builds homes with fully enclosed crawl spaces. This change is based upon years of research and the need to combat the high level of humidity experienced in our community.

On August 23, 2023, Habitat Greensboro was made aware of neighborhood-level concerns regarding stormwater issues and mold and mildew concerns when a neighborhood representative met with Habitat Greensboro President and CEO, David Kolosieke. Immediately following this meeting, Habitat Greensboro Director of Construction, Justin Heyward, and David toured the community to understand the challenges better.


addressing concerns

Habitat Greensboro is committed to returning to Poplar Ridge to assist in addressing the very urgent needs of our partner families. The following timeline details these efforts.

crawlspace remediation steps

evaluate individual crawlspaces

remove existing insulation and treat any mold/mildew

install gutters and route downspouts to stormwater system

retreat for mold/mildew if necessary and enclose crawlspaces

Crawlspace evaluations have been conducted on 40 homes and remediation efforts have been completed for four homes. Efforts are ongoing to identify funding for remediation and to secure work authorizations to complete remediation efforts.

neighborhood stormwater remediation steps

develop the plan for remediation

prepare bid package for grading

receive and review bids for grading work

plan and execute work

  • The draft topographical study has been completed and shared with Samet Corporation.
  • Bore testing studies are in process.
  • Samet Corporation has developed a plan to address stormwater system improvements and will facilitate subcontractor selection and oversee project implementation.
  • When the grading plan is finalized, it will be submitted for permitting, and the final plan will be shared with the Poplar Ridge community.

steps to date

May 24, 2024

Habitat Greensboro established deadline for homeowners to return work agreements for crawl space agreements for those homeowners who received their evaluation reports and work agreements by April 26.

May 18, 2024

Habitat Greensboro hosted a meeting with the Poplar Ridge community meeting to review the provided agreements for evaluation and crawl space remediation work.

May 7, 2024

Habitat Greensboro established deadline for homeowners to request a crawl space evaluation.

April 24, 2024

Habitat Greensboro mailed work agreements to homeowners for whom evaluations had been conducted and certified letters to homeowners whose homes have not yet been evaluated.

April 13, 2024

Habitat Greensboro invited members of Poplar Ridge to view a remediated crawl space in the neighborhood. Following this, Habitat Greensboro attended the Poplar Ridge community meeting where the proposed grading plan was presented and repair agreement forms were distributed.

April 5, 2024

An update letter was mailed to Poplar Ridge homeowners inviting all homeowners to view a completed crawl space and to meet Habitat Greensboro’s new Director of Homeowner Services and Neighborhood Outreach, Tiffany Pilson, on Saturday, April 13.

March 1, 2024

An update letter was mailed to Poplar Ridge homeowners. For those homeowners who participated in crawl space evaluations on February 13-14, their reports were included with their update letter.

February 13-14, 2024

Pest Management Systems, Inc., conducted crawl space evaluations on properties where written permissions had been provided.

February 10, 2024

Habitat Greensboro hosted an update meeting with Poplar Ridge residents. Representatives from Pest Management Systems, Inc., were present to share information regarding upcoming crawl space evaluations and the tentatively proposed remediation efforts. It was noted that remediation recommendations will vary by home.

January 27, 2024

Habitat Greensboro team member supported neighborhood canvasing to obtain individual homeowner consent to evaluate properties.

January 20, 2024

Habitat Greensboro CEO and board representative attended Poplar Ridge and Fox Trail neighborhood meeting.

January 16, 2024

An update letter mailed to all Poplar Ridge homeowners detailing the progress made to address their concerns.

January 5, 2024

A topographical study of the neighborhood began along with bore testing to assess soil conditions.

January 4, 2024

Habitat Greensboro team members met with Samet Corporation, which, in partnership with Habitat Greensboro, has committed to developing a plan to address stormwater system improvements, facilitate subcontractor selection, and oversee project implementation.

January 3, 2024

Habitat Greensboro leadership team members met with City officials to discuss potential utilization of existing funding to assist with these remediation efforts. Any changes or authorization of funding will need to be approved by the City Council.

December 16, 2023

Habitat Greensboro leadership and Board representatives attended the Poplar Ridge neighborhood meeting to hear concerns and provide updates.

December 15, 2023

An update letter was mailed to all Poplar Ridge homeowners detailing the progress made to address their concerns.

December 4, 2023

Habitat Greensboro leadership team members met with a second crawl space expert to review properties. This expert acknowledged that building standards have changed over the past 25 years. By today’s standards, the best course of action includes:

  • Installation of gutters.
  • Routing downspouts and crawlspace drains to the stormwater system.
  • Sealing crawlspaces.

November 11, 2023

Habitat Greensboro leadership and Board representatives attended the Poplar Ridge Conversations and Coffee gathering to distribute a written neighborhood update and individualized evaluation agreement forms. For neighbors not in attendance, the update and evaluation agreements were mailed.

November 3, 2023

Habitat Greensboro leadership reviewed several properties with a local crawl space expert from Crawl Space Depot. To confirm the findings of this evaluation, a second opinion was sought.

September and October 2023

Habitat Greensboro consulted with two engineering firms to review and evaluate topographical concerns in the neighborhood. We recognized that the topographical reviews addressed the neighborhood-wide concerns, yet localized concerns remained with individual homes.

October 7, 2023

Although staff were unable to attend the Poplar Ridge Neighborhood Association meeting on October 7, a written update was provided to share with the community.

September 29, 2023

Habitat Greensboro obtained a professional evaluation of the neighborhood’s topography.

September 7 and 9, 2023

Habitat Greensboro President and CEO, David Kolosieke met with neighborhood members and reviewed their concerns at neighborhood forums.