every donation
helps a family build a safe and secure place to call home
Build it Forward Legacy Society
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro’s Build It Forward Legacy Society was created to recognize the important role our donors play in continuing our mission of providing homes, communities and hope for Greensboro families into the future. We invite you to join our Build It Forward Legacy Society to provide more families with safe, secure and affordable housing by including Habitat Greensboro in your Will or Estate Plan.

“My introduction to Habitat began as an office volunteer. As I got to know some of the Habitat homeowners, I learned how much having a stable home means to them. Homeownership plays such a major role for low-income families, shaping how they view themselves as community members and most importantly, giving their children the many benefits that a secure and safe home offers. Observing first-hand the commitment and determination of the Habitat homeowners and volunteers, I decided to get more involved. I began donating and brought my family to volunteer on the construction site so they could see and appreciate the work that Habitat has been doing in Greensboro for 30 years. My experiences with Habitat moved me to leave a lasting legacy by including Habitat Greensboro in my will. I am proud to be a member of the Build It Forward Legacy Society and invite you to join me to ensure the future success of Habitat Greensboro!”
-Joy Brown, Habitat Donor and Volunteer
Becoming a Build It Forward Legacy Society Member
Make a gift to Habitat Greensboro in your will or trust and build a legacy dedicated to a better world where everyone in our community has a safe, decent place to live. You can use FreeWill; a free online tool to get started in just 20 minutes today.
FreeWill can also help you plan beneficiaries for non-probate assets that may not be included in your will. Examples of these assets include an IRA, a 401(k), and any additional accounts need to be planned for separately. Using this free online resource, you can get started logging all of your assets today.
If you would like more information about becoming a member of our Build It Forward Legacy Society, please contact one of our Legacy Giving staff listed below. We will send you our Build It Forward brochure and a complimentary Personal Financial Affairs Record booklet that’s designed to help you gather important information to share with your family and estate planning advisors and to encourage you to think about how you want your assets to be distributed upon your death. We are also happy to meet with you and your personal advisors to discuss your intentions for a legacy gift.
Habitat Greensboro Legacy Giving Staff:
Have you already included a gift to Habitat Greensboro in your will or trust? Please fill out this form so that we can say thank you for making safe and affordable housing a part of your legacy.
Legacy Gift Letter of Intent
If you have already made a planned gift to Habitat Greensboro, we respectfully request that you complete a Legacy Gift Letter of Intent Form. This form enables you to designate how your gift will be used. It also gives you the choice to allow us to publish your name in our Build it Forward Legacy Society materials that will inspire others to make a gift, or to indicate you would prefer your plans for a legacy gift remain anonymous.